Nov 28, 2009

''Pfluger Family Portrait''

On Wednesday, the day before the Thanksgiving. I had photo shoot with ''The Pfluger Family''. Everything was great! The weather and the place was very nice and I really enjoyed with the Pfluger family.

Nov 23, 2009

Daniel is 5 months old

Now he can sit by himself but not for a long time. But he does pretty well. I loved seeing this milestone and I'm very excited with his next one. I as other moms and dads love to see their children grow and I bet that no parent wants to miss any of them.

Nov 20, 2009

Fashion Portrait

Today is the nice day for shooting portrait with Dee Curfman, my good friend. I'm really fun with this session and I love that she never mind to post as I request...even I know she shy while people pass by and look at us. ^_^ This is a another one session that I love.


About the Photographer

My photo
Conroe, TX, United States
I became interested in photography when I was 19 years old. In my first year in Chiangmai University, Thailand. I changed my program of study to Fine Arts in Photography and received my BFA (Bachelor of Fine Art) in Photography in 1999. Then I started to work as a freelance photographer and computer graphic design in Thailand until 2008 when I moved to Texas in the United States. When I arrived to the United States my husband encouraged me to return to my first love.Photography has always been special and passion on me. I enjoy creating my art work by capturing the spirit and feeling of the people and nature. That's why I want to share my love in Photographic to you and you will fall in love as I am when you see yourself and who you love in my work. Let me keep your time and make it be a great memory for the several year next that will always remind your happiness in forever.

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